Wednesday 31 August 2011

We are not alone!!!!!

Santiago and Agustín, 4th Year D (Elemenetary Level) students, came up with this story about aliens. Enjoy!

Thursday 18 August 2011

"Our World"

The students in 1st Year A (Elementary Level) wrote e-mails as if they were taking part in a worldwide competition called "Our World Competition". They wrote about their friends, their city and their neighbourhood.

Subject: Hello from Buenos Aires!

Hi there!

We’re in the “Our world” competition. There are two of us in our group –Sofia and Florencia.

Florencia plays the guitar and likes singing. She’s funny and friendly. She loves cooking and is good at Physical Education and History but she’s not good at Science, neither am I. I like dancing and I’m hardworking at school. I love travelling around America but I would like to travel around the world.

Buenos Aires is a beautiful place because it has the Obelisco, the Puente de la Mujer and other very nice things. My parents are from Tucuman and Florencia’s parents are from Cordoba.

Best regards!

Sofia and Florencia.

Subject: Hello Tomas

Hi Tomas ! How are you?

We are in the Argentina´s group “Our World” competition .

There are five of us in the group - Judith, Sara, Juan, Lucia and me, Sam.

Juan is into play football. He plays football and tennis with Lucia. Lucia plays basketball but Judith doesn´t like sports. Judith is my best friend. She likes music, dogs, and is good at maths but I´m not. I like music and I love swimming with my friends.

Argentina is a big place .We live in Buenos Aires. Juan speaks English because he´s studying in a school of English . Lucia speaks French and English because her father studied in France and in the U.S.A . Judith speaks Italian. She travel Italy. I don´t speak many languages.

Write back soon,

Argentina´s group (Lara and Sol).

Date: 14/07/11
Subject :Hello from Argentina!


We're in the "Our World" competition. In the group there are three people: Alice, Edward and Camila (me).

Alice is a very friendly person and she's tidy. She plays baseball and is a ballet dancer. Edward is a godd pianist. He loves football and tennis so he plays every weekend with his friends. I like reading, writing and I LOVE the Twilight Saga and dancing, too. My best friends are Alice and Ariana, I love talking with them.

Argentina is a great place because it is very touristic. We live in Buenos Aires, in Caballito neighbourhood. In our area, there are restaurants, cinemas, a park (Rivadavia), a mall and many places to visit.

Bye, regards!

Alice Brandon Cullen, Edward Masen, Camila Torres.

Subject: Hello from argentina.

Hi there !

We´re in the Our World competition. We´re a group from Argentina. We are Ignacio and Matias.

Ignacio plays football after school and on Saturdays. He goes to private English lessons. Matias plays football too and runs in the park before football.

Matias likes pizza, hamburgers, and doesn´t like eggs, in some meals. Ignacio likes meat, pasta and salad. Ignacio doesn´t like cheese and chicken.

Argentina is a nice country, the capital is Buenos Aires. The city centre is beautiful and big. Buenos Aires has got parks, museums, cinemas, and there are many restaurants. Our neighbourhood is Caballito. In Caballito we have Ferro Carril Club.

Best wishes

Matias and Ignacio

Subject: Hello from Buenos Aires.

Hi world !

We're in the "Our World " competition. There are three of us in the group - Aldana, Facundo and me (Sol).

Sol plays volleyball and skates, too. Facundo plays rugby and loves the electric guitar. Aldana also skates and likes singing.

Buenos Aires is a big city, it is a very touristic area and you can hear different languages, and it is very beautiful, too. The city center is very busy. We live in Almagro, there is a shopping center near our houses.

Best wishes and good luck from Buenos Aires !!!

Sol Perticaroli and Aldana Villada.
Subject: Hello from Argentina

Hi there!

We re in the Our

World Competion". This is our group : Romina, Camila, Agustina and us, Brenda and Diana.

Romina loves music and famous Lady Gaga and Cristina Aguilera. She likes taking photographs of herself. Camila loves listening to music and reading. Agustina is very lazy and loves food for example:sandwiches, chips, cocacola, etc. and her favourite sport is volleyball. We love dogs and cats.

Argentina is a great place because there are millions of people. We live in Buenos Aires and our area is very quiet. All our parents are from Argentina but Diana’s mom and uncle are from Peru.

We're all best friends, Racyd

Goodbye! Enjoy Argentina!!!

Daii and Bren

Saturday 6 August 2011

Third year students visited the Ecological Reserve

Joel and Nicolás from 3rd Year D, Advanced Level, wrote about their visit to the Ecological Reserve. Have a look!