Monday 19 September 2011

Makes my hair stand on end!

If you're into horror stories, read "Speak of the Devil" written by Lautaro Dattoli, Octavio Ponce, Mariano Castillo and Hugo Di Bernardi from 3rd Year C (Elementary level)


This story takes place in a gothic church, where the inquisition burnt a lot of witches.

It all started with a blood sacrifice in a full moon´s night.

A lot of witches were slashing their hands, and drinking the blood.

They danced around the devil himself and he began to say magic words “WIF TEGNARONFIGENEMORTIF”

Seconds later a lot of souls came out of the earth.

The souls went to the town an began to kill the people, turning then into a zombies army.

The devil said “I´ll come back in some days to finish that. In 3 days the town will be in darkness.”

Today the devil dominates the world and the people´s souls.

Everywhere the world is dark evil.

Suddenly the door of my room opened and my mother called me to go to school. It had all been a dream.