Wednesday 15 June 2016

More samples - first half (Senior year)

Our legacy is expensive. Is it worth it?
Heritage is the symbol of a country's past. It shows why a country is the way it is. Monuments, museums, national parks and many others compose a national identity and are a truly important part of their culture. But the maintenance of these legacy constructions is expensive. Is it worth it? 
Historians insist on the importance of preserving the past through heritage so that our historic constructions appear tangible and not only in books. This way it could be witnessed by future generations and also by foreigners who are interested in our past cultures. 
 On the other hand, it can be criticized that the amount of money spent on the maintenance of heritage can be used for more important matters such as poverty, education, health and other social issues. 
 In my view, a fraction or even more of the money should be spent on our heritage. It is always important to keep our past alive for our own future. 

Written by the following ladies: Victoria Valdez, Florencia Cortesi and Lumila Rosella (5D) 

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