Tuesday 1 November 2011

Monday 31 October 2011

Health (Third Year Elementary Level)

Some 3rd Year courses watched the film "Super Size Me" while dealing with the topic "Health" in their books. 

Obesity is a growing problem in the United States. According to the film over half of Americans go out for a hamburger at least once a week. The main character in Super Size Me, Morgan, decides to investigate the effects of fast food on the body and begins a month of eating only junk food. The film follows Morgan's life and changes in his health during this one-month period.

Think about the following and then maybe you can watch the film. It´s a real eye opener!

1.Are Argentinians heavier than they used to be? Why or why not?
2.What influence does McDonald’s have in Argentina? Is it very popular? Does it influence our diet?
3.In America some people are suing fast food restaurants. Where does personal responsibility start and corporate responsibility stop?
4.The title of the film is Super Size Me. What does it refer to?
5.What will the specific topic of the film be?

Let's rap! (1st Year - Advanced Level)

With 1st year advanced we have been discussing  the topic of Food for Thought. We listened to a very interesting and catchy rap song on GM food. Food that is Genetically Modified. Here is the link and the lyrics. Maybe you can listen to it and complete the lyrics as we did in class:


Friday 21 October 2011

News from 2nd C (Blog)

The students of 2nd C (Elementary Level) wrote several blog entries as part of an activity in the book they use in class. Why not make a REAL blog, then?
You can read about their news here:


Monday 10 October 2011

The students of 5 D (higher level) have written replies to real appeals published on the net. There is also one written on an imaginary country. The appeals truly give us something to think about…

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in connection with the appeal in your web-site. According to your appeal, you are looking for volunteers to help in the educational and social development of the poor children in Haiti. Although I am not a professional, I am studying to become a nurse and I would like to volunteer.
I am a 22-year-old student at a Medical College in Buenos Aires. I took part in a number of ventures which aimed to help the people in the countries of the third world. Also, I have a certificate in first aid. Furthermore, I have participated in two specialist training courses. I have worked as a volunteer in the state hospital in my town for the last three months. However, I could easily take a two-month leave to join your campaign.
Due to my medical qualifications, I could deal with all kinds of physical problems the children might be suffering from. Besides, I am sure I would cope with other situations, such as taking care of the elderly and homeless.
I would be grateful if you could inform me when you will be announcing the results of the applications.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
M.A. Fernández

Dear Sir/Madam,
               I am writing in connection with the appeal in your web-site. According to your appeal, you are looking for volunteers to help and work in the whaling programme in Japan.
              I am a 23-year-old veterinary student in Buenos Aires, and I am very concerned about the killing of whales in Japan, especially about the whale meat embezzlement scandal exposed by Greenpeace. I took part in solidarity activities which aimed to help animals. I have a certificate in first aid. Furthermore, I served as a volunteer in the Defense Animal Association last year so I have some experience of animal care. As I have travelled to Japan and seen what they do with whales, I am at your disposal.
             I don´t know if I have any of the specialised skills that you need. However, I could certainly help animals. As a result, I could also assist in the rescue at sea.
            To sum up, I would be grateful if you could send me further details. I look forward to hearing from you on this important matter.
                       Yours faithfully,
                        Estefanía Ravera 

Dear Greenpeace,
We just saw the appeal in the newspaper asking for volunteers to help save the Amazon. We want to be part of Greenpeace campaigns to protect the rainforest from deforestation and climate change.
We are two 18-year-old students of sociology eager to help and meet people that help. Although we are young and have no experience, we want to be Greenpeace activists and assist where it is needed.
Because of our course we think we can be very helpful taking care of the thousands of natives in need of assistance.
In addition, we have several friends with free time who are looking forward to offering their help.

Yours faithfully,

Candelaria Piazzali and Joana Gich.

Volunteering Projects in Guatemala

You can become involved in a range of community aid projects in Guatemala.  With such a wide variety of projects this program has something to suit everyone.
You have the opportunity to contribute to healthcare, childcare, teaching, construction and animal care / animal rights projects.
Guatemala is one of the poorer Latin American countries, yet considered one of the most beautiful to visit.  While sharing your knowledge and compassion you will gain an in-depth experience of the country and its culture that will stay with you the rest of your life.

Global volunteer network

 We are writing in connection with the appeal on the Internet page, to help with the orphanage in Guatemala as volunteers. We are senior-year- high school students looking forward to bringing help to those who need it the most.

We are Juan, 18 years old, and Natalia, 17 years old, and we have worked in construction in a shanty town in Reconquista, Santa Fe. We are part of the volunteering projects in our school, so we have some experience as volunteers.

Also, we believe we could be helpful in taking care of children as we have a great deal of passion and sense of justice, apart from the fact that we will put our best in the Project.

To sum up, we would be thrilled to take part in such an experience.

Looking forward to your answer

                                                                              Natalia De Bonis and Juan Peña


Population: 10 million
GNP per capita: $ 100
Unemployment: 30 %
Agriculture: poor soil some production of bananas
Industry: very little a chemical factory in the capital
Communications: most roads muddy problems in the wet season; airport in need of repair; very few telephones
Education: only 40 % literacy rate; very few secondary schools
Health: only 2 hospitals (100 hospital beds); poor sanitation malaria is common
Housing: many houses badly damaged in recent floods
Natural disasters: bad floods in central river valley; danger of earthquakes
Environment: several endangered species (including a rare kind of bear); main river and lake polluted by the chemical factory

We think that this country needs a lot of changes. As it does not have natural resources we think that tourism would be a means to provide an income and a source of employment. As they have endangered species, we would ask an international organization for help. They could organise campaigns to collect some money and that money would be destined for the creation of a natural park, the renewal of the airport and the rebuilding of the roads.
The modernization of hotel resources would attract international tourism and that would provide an income for the government.
We think we should set up an education programme based on a long-term plan. The plan would mainly consist in building schools and training teachers.
Then we consider that a health programme is also essential. It is necessary to build hospitals, train doctors and nurses and vaccinate children to avoid diseases.
It is necessary to build hydro-electric dams with the purpose of avoiding floods and providing electricity. Solar energy would be promoted in order to protect the environment.
Recycling of materials would be another means of income. In addition, the country could offer the service to their neighbours.  

Monday 19 September 2011

Makes my hair stand on end!

If you're into horror stories, read "Speak of the Devil" written by Lautaro Dattoli, Octavio Ponce, Mariano Castillo and Hugo Di Bernardi from 3rd Year C (Elementary level)


This story takes place in a gothic church, where the inquisition burnt a lot of witches.

It all started with a blood sacrifice in a full moon´s night.

A lot of witches were slashing their hands, and drinking the blood.

They danced around the devil himself and he began to say magic words “WIF TEGNARONFIGENEMORTIF”

Seconds later a lot of souls came out of the earth.

The souls went to the town an began to kill the people, turning then into a zombies army.

The devil said “I´ll come back in some days to finish that. In 3 days the town will be in darkness.”

Today the devil dominates the world and the people´s souls.

Everywhere the world is dark evil.

Suddenly the door of my room opened and my mother called me to go to school. It had all been a dream.

Wednesday 31 August 2011

We are not alone!!!!!

Santiago and Agustín, 4th Year D (Elemenetary Level) students, came up with this story about aliens. Enjoy!

Thursday 18 August 2011

"Our World"

The students in 1st Year A (Elementary Level) wrote e-mails as if they were taking part in a worldwide competition called "Our World Competition". They wrote about their friends, their city and their neighbourhood.
From: sofiasanches98@hotmail.com

To: groups@ourworld.com
Subject: Hello from Buenos Aires!

Hi there!

We’re in the “Our world” competition. There are two of us in our group –Sofia and Florencia.

Florencia plays the guitar and likes singing. She’s funny and friendly. She loves cooking and is good at Physical Education and History but she’s not good at Science, neither am I. I like dancing and I’m hardworking at school. I love travelling around America but I would like to travel around the world.

Buenos Aires is a beautiful place because it has the Obelisco, the Puente de la Mujer and other very nice things. My parents are from Tucuman and Florencia’s parents are from Cordoba.

Best regards!

Sofia and Florencia.

From: GroupArgentina@gmail.com
To: tomas@ourworkld.uk
Subject: Hello Tomas

Hi Tomas ! How are you?

We are in the Argentina´s group “Our World” competition .

There are five of us in the group - Judith, Sara, Juan, Lucia and me, Sam.

Juan is into play football. He plays football and tennis with Lucia. Lucia plays basketball but Judith doesn´t like sports. Judith is my best friend. She likes music, dogs, and is good at maths but I´m not. I like music and I love swimming with my friends.

Argentina is a big place .We live in Buenos Aires. Juan speaks English because he´s studying in a school of English . Lucia speaks French and English because her father studied in France and in the U.S.A . Judith speaks Italian. She travel Italy. I don´t speak many languages.

Write back soon,

Argentina´s group (Lara and Sol).

Date: 14/07/11
From: Camila-alice-edwad@hotmail.com
To: groups@ourworld.com
Subject :Hello from Argentina!


We're in the "Our World" competition. In the group there are three people: Alice, Edward and Camila (me).

Alice is a very friendly person and she's tidy. She plays baseball and is a ballet dancer. Edward is a godd pianist. He loves football and tennis so he plays every weekend with his friends. I like reading, writing and I LOVE the Twilight Saga and dancing, too. My best friends are Alice and Ariana, I love talking with them.

Argentina is a great place because it is very touristic. We live in Buenos Aires, in Caballito neighbourhood. In our area, there are restaurants, cinemas, a park (Rivadavia), a mall and many places to visit.

Bye, regards!

Alice Brandon Cullen, Edward Masen, Camila Torres.

From: Martin_76_A@hotmail.com
To: grups@ourworl.com
Subject: Hello from argentina.

Hi there !

We´re in the Our World competition. We´re a group from Argentina. We are Ignacio and Matias.

Ignacio plays football after school and on Saturdays. He goes to private English lessons. Matias plays football too and runs in the park before football.

Matias likes pizza, hamburgers, and doesn´t like eggs, in some meals. Ignacio likes meat, pasta and salad. Ignacio doesn´t like cheese and chicken.

Argentina is a nice country, the capital is Buenos Aires. The city centre is beautiful and big. Buenos Aires has got parks, museums, cinemas, and there are many restaurants. Our neighbourhood is Caballito. In Caballito we have Ferro Carril Club.

Best wishes

Matias and Ignacio

From: solyperticaroli@hotmail.com
To: groups@hotmail.com
Subject: Hello from Buenos Aires.

Hi world !

We're in the "Our World " competition. There are three of us in the group - Aldana, Facundo and me (Sol).

Sol plays volleyball and skates, too. Facundo plays rugby and loves the electric guitar. Aldana also skates and likes singing.

Buenos Aires is a big city, it is a very touristic area and you can hear different languages, and it is very beautiful, too. The city center is very busy. We live in Almagro, there is a shopping center near our houses.

Best wishes and good luck from Buenos Aires !!!

Sol Perticaroli and Aldana Villada.

Subject: Hello from Argentina

Hi there!

We re in the Our

World Competion". This is our group : Romina, Camila, Agustina and us, Brenda and Diana.

Romina loves music and famous Lady Gaga and Cristina Aguilera. She likes taking photographs of herself. Camila loves listening to music and reading. Agustina is very lazy and loves food for example:sandwiches, chips, cocacola, etc. and her favourite sport is volleyball. We love dogs and cats.

Argentina is a great place because there are millions of people. We live in Buenos Aires and our area is very quiet. All our parents are from Argentina but Diana’s mom and uncle are from Peru.

We're all best friends, Racyd

Goodbye! Enjoy Argentina!!!

Daii and Bren

Saturday 6 August 2011

Third year students visited the Ecological Reserve

Joel and Nicolás from 3rd Year D, Advanced Level, wrote about their visit to the Ecological Reserve. Have a look!

Monday 11 July 2011

People who Cared

Letters from 1st year B and C

The students of 1st B and C wrote some letters to an imaginary pen friend. Here there´s a selection of them
Dear Sol,

Thanks for your letter. How did you finish the first term? I hope well. I haven’t failed any subject!

Anyway, I’m writing to tell you that I’m going to have a new cousin. He’ll be called Matías. My other cousins are so happy with this news and I’m happy too. He’ll be born in September, near the date of my birthday! My sisters are very happy. They say that they are going to share their toys with him and they will take care of him.

Well, then I’ll continue telling you about this. Now I must finish because my mum is calling me to have dinner. She has cooked my favourite, Pasta! Write back soon and tell me all your news.


Antonella, 1ºC

Dear Gastón,

How are you? Thanks for your letter; how’s your life? The school? Your family?

I am writing to you because I have some interesting news. First of all, my family and I are going to Italy next month, for the winter holidays.

In addition, I’m in a school play, in the Spanish class. We are doing different plays; my group and I play “Las de Barranco”, a really good comedy.

Well, thanks again for your letter, I must finish because I have to go to private English lessons.

See you,

Joel (1st C)

Dear Tim,

Thanks for your letter. Did you go to New York in the end? My dad went there on business and he loved it, he bought us a lot of beautiful gifts, so if you went to New York, I´m sure you had a very good time. One of my best friends has an aunt in New York and every year she goes with her mom and her dad. She is very lucky.

Anyway, I´m writing to tell you about school. At the beginning of the year, I was very scared because I started secondary school and it is very different from primary school but when I met my teachers I started to feel happy but I don´t know what I am going to do when I leave secondary school.

Well, I have to finish because I am going to meet my old friends from primary school and I haven´t seen them for a year. Write me back soon and tell me about the beginning of your school year - right?

Take care,

Melina Álvarez Meira 1°C

Dear John,

I hope you are getting better after the accident. Let me know when you can walk again! My brother has a bad knee too. He can’t move. I envy him somehow. I would spend all day in my bed listening to music, but I don’t like the idea of having a bad knee.

Anyway, I’m writing to tell you about my holiday in Madrid. I had the best time in my life (so far). It’s very beautiful. There are a lot of things to do – from going shopping to watching one of Real Madrid’s football matches in Santiago Bernabeu Stadium-. That stadium is a real colossus. Anyway, the thing is that I watched a match with my own eyes! I have a photo with Cristiano Ronaldo too. Apart from football, there are lots of good restaurants and shopping centres. There is a swimming pool too. We went there five times.

Now, back home in Argentina I’m very good at school. I passed all my exams. Now I have to stop writing because I have to go to Metallica’s concert in La Plata. Please send photos!

Take care,


Thursday 7 July 2011

Check your inbox!

Here are some of the e-mails giving news written by 5th Year B students (Elementary Level)
From: natum…@hotmail.com
To: caro…@hotmail.es
Subject: school and invitation

Hi Caro
How are things? My school is good and difficult. I want to study nutrition next year at UBA. In the winter holiday I ‘m going to Bariloche on my graduation trip! But it’s going to be difficult because in Bariloche there’s a lot of volcanic ash.
I got your invitation and I will go! Thanks a lot.
I have got a new boyfriend and congratulations on your boyfriend. It’s great. You and me can organize to go to the cinema together when we meet; we can watch a horror film.
Write back soon!

From: caro…@hotmail.es
To: natu…@hotmail.com
Subject: invitation to my party and news

Hi Nati
How are things? I am great! Because in four day’s time it’s my birthday and you are invited. It’s on Saturday at nine o’clock.
I have got many things to tell you. Here are a few. I went out with a boy but I ‘d like to have a real boyfriend.
I hope to see soon!

From: marcos_...@hotmail.com
To: juan_...@hotmail.com
Subject: My news.

Hi Juan!

Thanks for your e-mail. How is it going in the U.K? How are you doing in Manchester United? I hope you’re well. You are the best football player. Our family is fine, everybody sends their best wishes.
Please write back soon…

From: Tene….@hotmail.com
To: Aria….@hotmail.com
Subject: Life

Hi Ari,

How are you? I'm very well. I have things to tell you. I'm going to travel to Italy. Do you want to come with me? We should go together, we will have a great me. Next year I'm beginning university, I will study Medicine also I am going to live with my dog, Scamp, and my boyfriend. I'm happy! I'm looking forward to your e-mail.



FROM: Mica….@live.com.ar
TO: Shii….@hotmail.com
SUBJECT: Thanks for your mail

Hi Gise, How are you? Thanks for your mail and your invitation to the cinema.

I´m really fine because you wrote to me and because I started pilates in the gym. It´s great and helps me keep fit.

And you? Are you doing sport? I know that you were doing boxing. Are you still doing so?

I want to invite you to my home, can you come? After that we can go to the cinema.



From: sofi….@hotmail.com
To: brendi…..@live.com
Subject: Latest News

Hi Brendi,

I got your e-mail. How's life? My life is really good. Just finished my exams, so I have loads of free time but I'm really tired.

Remember I moved house? My friends like my new house.Come and visit me!

My sister has got a new dog, it's really beautiful!

The other day I went to the park. It rained, typical! But in spite of the rain we had a good time!

Well, must go now. I miss you!

Love you!

Hi Marcos,

Thanks for your e-mail. How did everything go with your football match? My friend Carlos told me that you're succeeding in Europe. I am playing in Manchester City now but my manager is not happy with my training.

In Manchester life is good. The food is very good because there's a wide variaty of food every day.

At the moment, I am drinking a coffee in a bar where there's wifi. The bar is in Liverpool. Now I am staying in Liverpool but tomorrow I will travel back to Machester.

Well, Must go now. Write back soon. Say hi to everyone.


Hi Lucho,

I got your e-mail. How are you? I heard about the accident. Are you ok? Hope so.

I was given a dog. It is very nice, it has got spots on the ears, you know?

Last week I went to "Apple" - it is a night club. I went with my friends. We have to go together one day!

My dad has got a job in Italy, so he´s going there in December. I feel sad because I will not see until March next year.

Well, must go now. Write back soon.

I miss you!


Thursday 23 June 2011

The Wedding of the Year!

Did you enjoy the British Royal Wedding? Have a look at this presentation and enjoy it again!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Are you superstitious?

Students of 2nd B advanced did some research on common superstitions.
If you put a hat on the bed, it’s bad luck (because in Spain and Italy ,it is a bad  omen (something wrong will happen)/ Another meaning is that your mind will get blank.)

If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck.

If you cover your mouth while yawning, it’s good luck (because you prevent the devil from entering your soul)

If you hear crickets singing, you will have good luck.

If you cut your hair before final exams, you will forget everything you have studied.

If you sleep facing south, you will be lucky.

If you leave a house through a different door than the one used to enter it, you will have bad luck.

If you put on a dress inside out, you will have good luck.

If a black cat walks in front of you, you will have bad luck.

If there is a garlic in your house, it will keep bad spirits away.

If you put on a t-shirt inside out, someone will give you a gift.

If you walk under a ladder, you will be unlucky.

If you eat an apple a day, you will keep the doctor away.

If you pull  out a gray or white hair, ten more will grow in its place.

If you carry a rabbit’s leg with you, you will have good luck.

If you give someone salt hand in hand, you will quarrel with her/him.

If a picture falls off the wall where it is hung, it’s bad luck. (because according to the Greeks, it means that he or she will die soon.)

If you have a hydrangea bush in your garden, your younger daughter won’t marry.


The students of 2nd year advanced were investigating on the topic of Inventions. They prepared  fantastic power points with the result of their research and presented them in class. They got interesting information on electronic books, domestic robots, robot pets, solar-powered cars, robot cars, holidays in space and intelligent houses.
We were all amazed at the possibilities these inventions offer for the future. However, some students concluded that if in the future we make use of all this technology, we will become too sedentary, get overweight and have serious health problems.

Besides, in the case of robot cars, as they are partly intended to be used for public transport, students thought that unemployment will increase dramatically. Interesting, right?

Any advantages? Yes, solar-powered cars and robot cars will reduce pollution and accidents and with the use of electronic books, we will save lots of paper. Great! Isn`t it?

Saturday 28 May 2011

Come visit us!

Are you looking for an exciting holiday destination? Have a look at these brochures written by students in 1st Year A - Elementary Level.

                                  Authors: Matías, Juan, Joaquín and Lucas

                                 Authors: Ariana, Sofía and Florencia

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Let's blog!

Have a look at some of the blog entries written by 5th Year B students (Elementary level). The topics? A bit of everything. You will surely find something you are interested in reading!
Andrés Calamaro

We created this blog about Andres Calamaro because we love his music.

His lifeHe was born in 1961 in Buenos Aires. When he was 8 years old, he learned to play the large accordion ande when he was 17 years old he played the keyboard and his first group was Raices.
He played and sang in Los Rodriguez and Los Abuelos de la Nada but now he sings solo. He has a daughter, Charo, and he has split up with Julieta Cardinali.

Coming Concerts! In December 2011 in Spain.
7/8 December 2011 in Chile.
In November 2011 in Peru.
In October 2011 in Guatemala.
10 October 2011 in Mexico.
In September 2011 in Bolivia.

Posted by Juan Ignacio, Malena and Laial

Best football teams!

In this blog we are going to speak about the best European's football teams, the colors which represent them, and their better players.
 We will rank the five best European's football teams:

1) Barcelona
 As furious standard-bearers of Catalan's region of Spain, the Barça holds a fight with their rival Real Madrid for being the leading football team of the country. It has won The Spanish Cup more times that any other team and it is also the only club that has played in every European's Cup since it began in 1955. Also it has taken part in the Spanish League, winning the title 19 times, 7 have been since 1990. Nowadays it is one of the most electrifying teams of Europe.
 Foundation's year: 1899.
 Team's value: 440 MD.
 Value's team change in one year: 13 %
 Stadium's capacity: Stadium Camp Nou/98,772
 European trophies: 3 European Champion`s Cups, 4 Winner`s Cups, 3 UEFA Cups, 2 European Supercups
 Local championships: 19
 Local cups: 25 Spanish Cups, 7 SpanishCupercups, 2 League's Cups.
 Best players: Lionel Messi, Samuel Eto'o, Rafael Márquez, Thierry Henry.
 Principal sponsor and gear sponsor: Nike
 Coach: Josep Guardiola.
 President: Joan Laporta i Estruch
 Gear: blue and red shirt, blue shorts

2) Real Madrid
 It is the most successful team of Spain with a record of 9 European Champion Cups won. The only thing that makes his fans angry is the secondary paper the club  plays against their rival Barcelona.
 Foundation's year: 1902.
 Team's value:129 MD
 Value's team change in one year:
 Stadium's capacity: Santiago Bernabeu/75,000
 European trophies: 9 European ChampionCups, 2 UEFACups
 Local championships: 29
 Local cups: 17 Spanish's Cups, 1 League's Cup
 Best players: Cristiano Messias Ronaldo Dos Santos Aveiro, Kaká, Iker Casillas Fernández
 Principal sponsors/ gear sponsor: Siemens, Mobile/Adidas
 Coach: Manuel Pellegrini
 President: Florentino Pérez
 Gear: white and black shirt, white shorts

3) AC Milan
 Originally established by the expatriated Englishman Alfred Edwards as a Cricket and Football's club in Milan, the AC Milan has had a fierce rivalry with the Internazionale Club since 1908.
 Foundation's year: 1899.
 Team's value: 929 MD.
 value's team change in one year: 3 %
 Stadium's capacity: Stadio Giuseppe Meazza/87,500
 European trophies: 6 European ChampionCups, 2 Winner's Cups, 4 European Supercups, 3 IntercontinentalCups
 Local championships: 17
 Local cups: 5 Italian Cups,5 Italian Supercups
 Best players: Andriy Shevchenko, Paolo Maldini, David Beckham.
 Principal sponsors/gear sponsor: GM, Opel/Adidas
 Coach: Leonardo Nascimento de Araujo
 President: Silvio Berlusconi and Adriano Galliani
 Gear: red and black  shirt, white or black shorts

4) Bayern Munich
 One of the most powerful forces of the German football, the Bayern Munich had their golden  age between the late 60's mid 70's, when the team led by Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Müller and Sepp Maier,  won successively three European's Cups, from 1974 to 1976. The current team is constructed about Michael Ballack preserves something of this everlasting force of Europe and takes as his new house one of the Europa's most dramatic stadiums.
 Foundation's year: 1900.
 Team's value: 769 MD.
 Value's team change in one year: 23 %
 Stadium's capacity: Allianz Arena/66,000
 (99 %) Adidas-Solomon AG (10 %)
 European trophies: 4 Winner`s Cups, 1 UEFA (`S ) Cup, 1 Intercontinental Cup
 Local championships: 19
 Local cups: 11 German cups, 4 League's Cups
 Best players: Oliver Kahn, Michael Ballack, Roy Makaay.
 Principal sponsors/gear sponsor: Deutsche Telekom, T-Com/Adidas
 Coach: Louis van Gaal
 President: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge and Franz Beckenbauer
 Gear: red shirt, white shorts

5) Manchester United
 It is the richest team in the world. The Red Devils of Manchester have  won 15 English League of Football championships, eight between 1993 and 2003.
 Foundation's year: 1878.
 Team's Value: 1,373 MD.
 Value's team change in one year: 10 %
 Stadium's capacity: Old Trafford/67,500 (76,000 in 2006/07's season)
 European trophies: 2 European Champion's Cups, 1 Winner's Cup, 1 European Supercup, 1 Intercontinental Cup.
 Local championships: 15
 Local cups: 11 F.A.'s Cups, 1 league's Cup
 Best players: Wayne Rooney and Ryan Giggs.
 Principal sponsor/ gear sponsor: Vodafone/Nike
 Coach: Alex Ferguson
 President: Joel and Avram Glazer
 Gear: red and white shirt, white or black shorts

POSTED BY: Mariano, Romina and Sofía -  Date; May 11th

Diaries about pets

- Our pets eat balanced food for pets.
- Pets are fun.
- You must give your dog a bath every 2 months.
- Food: Puppies, four meals.  Adult dogs: three meals.
- You must take your dog  for a walk every day.
- You must play with your dog and love it.
- You must take your dog to the pets shop.
- You must vaccinate your pet.
- You have to treat your pet well.

POSTED BY: Macarena, Ariana and Giselle  Date: May 5th

Rock and Roll

Rock and roll started in the U.S.A with Elvis Presley in the 1950`s and in Great Britain with The Beatles, who changed the sound of rock and roll.
Rock came to Argentina in the 60´s – 70`s with Papo.
At present, there are many different styles, for example: Ska, cuadrado. The most important bands are: La vela puerca, Ntvg, Los Redonditos de Ricota, Intoxicados, Patricio Rey, León Gieco, Los Piojos, and so on.

POSTED BY: Natalia, Carolina and Micaela  -  Date: April 29th

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Look! I got a postcard!!!

Enjoy some of the postcards written by 2nd Year C students (Elementary Level) Great work!