Tuesday 8 September 2015



These are the links:

(Portal web sobre el Año Internacional de los Suelos en general)

(Motivos de la designación del año 2015 como Año Internacional de los Suelos)

(Video en formato Youtube sobre el Año Internacional de los Suelos, IYS15 – International Year of Soils 2015)

(Video en formato Youtube sobre las diversas funciones esenciales de los suelos y la urgente necesidad de cuidarlos)

(Video en formato Youtube sobre el rol sustancial de los suelos en nuestro planeta)

(Portal web sobre el Año Internacional de la Luz y las Tecnologías basadas en la Luz en general)

(Motivos de la designación del año 2015 como Año Internacional de la Luz y las Tecnologías basadas en la Luz)

(La importancia de la Luz)

(Usos de la Luz)


(Video en formato Youtube sobre el Año Internacional de la Luz, IYL15 – International Year of Light 2015)

Thursday 3 September 2015


Take a look at this wonderful poster that the students from 1ºC have made to work on this very important issue nowadays!! Click on the link below.


Saturday 4 July 2015

MODULE 4 - ARTICLE SAMPLE- by Joel Alvarez. Congrats on your work!

DID YOU KNOW?: TOMB RAIDER is a media franchise that began as a videogame series and includes comic books, novels and films, centering around the adventures of the British archeologist Lara Croft. Since 1996, the series has sold over 60 million units worldwide.



What would you do if the thing you love most is in danger? Discover the story behind two friends (and millions of people) as they embark on a journey to raise money in order to save a beloved project.

There is no ‘I’ in team. That’s the very first thing Gillian and I learnt when we decided to start this amazing project: we were not doing it just for ourselves, but also for the millions of people out there who were expecting the same thing as we did.

Just imagine you woke up one day and your favourite thing in the world was gone. You name it: your favourite film, your loveliest family photo, the park you go every weekend for a walk or that book you read over and over again… Gone. What would you do? Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to save it?

When we woke up that morning of May 2013 and found out that Rise of the Tomb Raider, the next installment of our favourite videogame series got cancelled by the developer arguing “lack of funds”, we decided it was time we did something about it. We started collecting signatures and launched a petition to bring the series back to life in Change.org (the most famous petition website in the world), but after getting together more than 45,000 signatures from all over the world and seeing no response, we decided to take things to the next level. You know what they say: money doesn’t grow on trees…

After weeks of thinking, Gillian came up with a brilliant idea. Knowing that thousands of die-hard Tomb Raider fans would go above and beyond to continue the breathtaking, unfinished tale of the much-loved archeologist, we launched another campaign on a crowdfunding website named Kickstarter. This time was not about ordinary people collecting signatures – it was about ordinary people donating money for a beloved cause from all over the world. In less than six weeks, we raised almost half a million dollars and the once cancelled project restarted its production. It was the most unusual way we have ever raised money, but it was a satisfying experience and I think we would definitely do it again if it was necessary. In Lara Croft’s own words: A famous explorer once said that the extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are. I’d finally set out to make my mark, to find adventure… But instead, adventure found me.”

Saturday 27 June 2015

4th year volunteering experience


Writing sample: Article

Module 4 – Article – Victoria Martí (5D). Thank you Vicky!

Rollers for the Qom

How would you feel if you knew that people are starving in Chaco? I guess you would feel sad and worried. That's how I felt last year but instead of doing nothing,. I decided to organise a roller race. I did it for charity. I wanted to collect money for the Qom community in Chaco. I had read in the newspaper that the Qom people suffered from hunger and poverty. So I promised myself I would help them.
First, I had an interview with Qom leaders and explained what I wanted to do. Qom people are very humble and thankful. While I was reaching their village, I wondered if they would accept my proposition because, maybe, they were too proud to ask for help. Fortunately, I was wrong. I was really welcomed and they immediately accepted my offer. Then, I asked for permission to the local authorities and they allowed me to set up the race at Bosques de Palermo. Once I had the authorization, I started to publish the race on radios, social networks and even on a couple of TV shows. Volunteers had to skate around the lagoon which is in the middle of the park. The winner would get a symbolic medal. I had also contacted a company to provide rollers for the people who didn't have any. Gladly, they did it for free.
The event was a success! People of all ages skated round the lagoon. For me, it was the first time, just imagine, I slipped and fell down a couple of times but I didn't care because my bruises were for a good cause. More than 7,000 people took part and I could raise about $35,000. Furthermore, the city government also contributed with another $20,000 and a few companies donated food and clothes. I felt really pleased.
Although organising the charity event was really hard and stressful, I have no doubt that I would do it again. Helping suffering people is something worth trying.

Thursday 4 June 2015

More writing samples! Thank you Joel and Florencia

Hi there!

Our senior year students just can´t stop writing... here are their samples:

MODULE 1A - INFORMAL EMAIL by Florencia Alvarez Rodriguez (5 D)

Hello Simon,

  I’m glad you are interested in talking to an Argentinean person. Truth is, there is always a lot to learn from other cultures and I believe this the perfect opportunity for both of us. My English isn’t very good, but I hope you understand what I’m saying and please correct me if I make mistakes.
  I’ll tell you a bit about myself now. I live in the City of Buenos Aires, the most crowded city in my country. I love dancing, singing, listening to music, playing the guitar, chilling out with my friends, jogging and reading and travelling, among other things. What are the things you enjoy the most?
  I have a little sister, Carla. We live with our parents in a flat downtown. Once a week the four of us do a family activity, such as going to the cinema or the theatre or out for dinner.
  It would be great to meet up sometime. Will you ever get the chance to come and visit my country? I could show you around the city and maybe you can learn some Spanish too!
  Looking forward to hearing from you.
  All the best,


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for the position of lifeguard assistant, which I saw advertised in my university student newspaper.
At present, I am studying to be a secondary school teacher of Physical Education, and I am going to finish my course by the end of July. I am 20 years old and I am looking forward to gaining experience in a job that could allow me to perform different kinds of activities in a professional environment. I very much enjoy travelling and working with people, and sadly I have no experience of this kind of work.
I feel I would be suitable for the job because I enjoy doing highly intensive physical activities and being part of a team. When I was at secondary school, I was trained on both rowing and competitive swimming, and I was selected to participate in the 2013 London Junior Rowing Championships. 
I have attached my CV where my education and skills are detailed, as well as references provided by my tutor.I am available in August and would be happy to attend an interview at any time. 
I hope you will consider my application.
Yours faithfully,
                     Joel Alvarez

MODULE 3A - ESSAY by Joel Alvarez (5 C)

                                       IS IT A GOOD THING THAT COUNTRIES 

            Spending money on our heritage is a topic that both government and people have been discussing for decades. Many people claim that is the legacy we leave to our children, whereas others feel it is a massive waste of money. But is it a good thing that countries spend a lot of money on their cultural heritage?
            First of all, we need to know what we are talking about when we say ‘cultural heritage’. Our heritage is composed of those things that are considered important enough to be passed on to the future generations, and the act of keeping them for the future is known as “conservation”.
            Maintaining our heritage is rather important, not only because it makes our city look more attractive, but because it represents our history as a country and reminds us of everything that had to be done in order to live the way we live today. On top of that, it also helps investing in the near future: for instance, statistics show that 37% of the global tourism has a cultural motivation. Therefore, investing in our cultural heritage ensures economic benefits for the years to come.
            On the other hand, due to the fact that the budget needed to maintain certain places in proper conservation is rather high, it makes it difficult for some people to afford them, whereas they should be affordable for all the people in our country.
            From my point of view, if it is done properly, spending money on our heritage is a good thing, due to all the reasons previously explained. In conclusion, I think it is a nice, respectful way to preserve the past and we should help maintain our heritage everyday, by choosing to respect it and working to make it better.


Friday 17 April 2015

Informail email: writing sample by Joel Alvarez. Task: Expert First CB page 12

Hello Simon, 
Thanks for your email. It’s great to hear from someone open up to meet people from our country and our culture – and even better, someone who can also help me with my English! 
 As Joan must have already told you, I live in the very center of Buenos Aires City, in Argentina. Although it’s a very crowded, noisy city, I really love it in here. In fact, I can’t imagine myself living far away from here or in the countryside. For me, it’s all about the non-stop action of the day by day pace (even if that comes with a traffic jam or a stressful day every now and then). 
 As for me, I love writing and learning new languages and cultures, but I think films are my true passion. I live with my parents and my little sister, but the truth is I can’t wait to get out of here and start living alone. I mean, I’ll always miss my parents making me dinner or asking me about my day, but I think it’s time I started doing some things by myself – I’m almost 18 already! 
 Anyway, if there’s any chance you could visit Buenos Aires someday, it would be great for you to see these things about the city I told you by yourself – it’s really worth it. And as for my English, I’m really looking forward to being taught a thing or two in your next email. 
 Well, I’d better stop writing if I don’t want to miss the new ‘House of Cards’ episode (are you into it? I heard it’s been quite a boom in the UK). I’m watching it with English subs so I keep improving my English, even when I’m not studying! 
 Hope to hear from you soon. 