Thursday 25 May 2017

Senior year - Writing sample module 3. Thank you Ferreri, Ferreyra & Romeo!

Many people claim that countries have to invest only in the future and let the past go. But what is the most important thing? Caring about the future or keeping the past alive? 

The first point I'd like to make about the present situation is the importance of setting priorities. A person needs to feel part of a community and have things in common with people around so that they don't feel lonely.

Is caring about the future a priority? Many people think it is because a country has to progress constantly so that it can keep up with all the changes that happen every day in the world. There are different ways to invest in the future, like politics about the environment or building new parks. However, in my view, it's silly not to protect the past only because we're worried about the future.

On the other hand, building museums and re-telling the history of late presidents is really good for the building of a national identity. This way, we prevent committing the mistakes we made in the past, and we focus on creating a better social environment.

Though it is true that it's important to protect the past for future generations, we should also bear in mind that governments need money for things like housing and roads. Although there are arguments on both sides, I think that if countries spend a lot of money on their heritage, they will enjoy a more friendly and supportive society.

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