Friday 17 November 2017

Year: 3 - E.L. Present perfect

Year: 3 – E.L.
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?
1.     How long  ______________________ Sammy? (you/ know)
2.     You look dirty. What  ______________________ all day? (you/do)
3.     How many times  ______________________ Italy? (Peter/ visit)
4.     She  ______________________ French words for hours, but she still doesn't remember all of them. (learn)
5.     The children  ______________________ films for many hours. (watch)
6.      I ______________________ (not/do) the housework yet.
7.     My friends______________________  (study) very hard recently.
8.     She______________________  (promise) to help me.
9.     He ______________________ (clean) the kitchen. Everything is sparkling clean.

1.                       Lucy ______________________ (leave).

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Senior year - Writing sample - Module 5

Thank you Diana & Juliet!

Science is very important in the 21st century

Nowadays, science is more appealing to adults than to young people as teenagers are more interested in their social lives. However, their future is going to be filled with technology that science made possible, so it is our job to make it more attainable for them.
First of all, one way to achieve our goal is by television programmes. This is because teenagers spend a lot of their time procrastinating in front of the TV and by making programmes in which science is used daily, they can learn without intending to.
Another means to attract young people is by making them participate in field trips to interactive museums as they become part of the exhibition and learn by playing.
Last but not least, school projects are a good way of integrating teenagers into science. In some countries, students have to make a science project of their choice and the winner is given a prize by the science department of the school. This way, students research about what they are keen on.
These ideas are only a few ways of getting teenagers interested in science. Now it is time we took matters into our own hands as science has become an essential part of our lives and young people will have to know how to use it in the future.

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Shakespeare stuff - SENIOR YEAR

Hi there!

Here you will find three videos on Shakespeare: 
  • biography (a brief one)
  • cultural background (London times; The Globe)
  • Hamlet (a cool summary of the plot)


Thursday 25 May 2017

Senior year - Writing sample module 3. Thank you Ferreri, Ferreyra & Romeo!

Many people claim that countries have to invest only in the future and let the past go. But what is the most important thing? Caring about the future or keeping the past alive? 

The first point I'd like to make about the present situation is the importance of setting priorities. A person needs to feel part of a community and have things in common with people around so that they don't feel lonely.

Is caring about the future a priority? Many people think it is because a country has to progress constantly so that it can keep up with all the changes that happen every day in the world. There are different ways to invest in the future, like politics about the environment or building new parks. However, in my view, it's silly not to protect the past only because we're worried about the future.

On the other hand, building museums and re-telling the history of late presidents is really good for the building of a national identity. This way, we prevent committing the mistakes we made in the past, and we focus on creating a better social environment.

Though it is true that it's important to protect the past for future generations, we should also bear in mind that governments need money for things like housing and roads. Although there are arguments on both sides, I think that if countries spend a lot of money on their heritage, they will enjoy a more friendly and supportive society.

Senior year - Writing sample Module 2. Thank you Caroline & Agustina!

Dear Sir/Madam,

   I would like to apply for the position of lifeguard assistant, which I saw advertised in a student newspaper. One of my reasons for applying is because the job would give me valuable work experience during the summer holidays.

   I am 17 years old and at the present I am a senior student at Sagrado Corazón School. I am a good swimmer and I very much enjoy working with tourists or big groups of people. I also took a CPR course last year. For the past two years, I have been a leader at a summer camp in my school.

   I think I would be suitable for the job because I have experience providing supervision and observing groups of people during activities, and the job would give me further work experience.

   I am available to attend an interview in the afternoon and I would be happy to provide references from my director at the summer camp.

   I hope you will consider my application.

Yours faithfully,

                            Agustina Cnochaert.

Monday 8 May 2017


Thursday 20 April 2017

Senior year - Writing sample. Thank you Juliet & Florence!

Hello Simon,

   My friend has told me about you and he mentioned your interest in getting to know someone from Argentina and I'm really interested in helping each other with that.
   My full name is Jazmin Torres de la Rosa, I'm seventeen years old, very bossy and responsible and I'm studying at UCA to be a successful lawyer. I'm from Argentina and I´m currently living in Recoleta but I used to live in Puerto Madero with my family. Let me tell you about them! My brother is twenty years old and he is studying at the UBA, he is very hard-working and that's why he is studying medicine. My parents are both journalists and they work together at TN Channel. We are a really energetic family; we love adventures and travelling together.
   It would be great to meet you personally! I've talked with my parents and we would love it if you joined us one weekend to have dinner, an Argentinean meal, and after that I can take you around for a tour in the city. 
   I'm looking forward to your answer, please tell me about your life and if you can, send me a photo.



Tuesday 11 April 2017

Senior year - Writing sample. Thank you Johnny!

Writing Module 1

Hello Simon,

Thanks for your email. I’m writing to you because I’m interested in learning more English. So, this email is very useful to practise the language. I know that my English is not very good, but I will make an effort to have an excellent language.

As our friend must have already told you, I live in the capital city of Buenos Aires, specifically in Lugano neighborhood. Lugano is far from my school, and I’m sure you ask yourself - Why on earth does he go to a far away school? -.  The answer is simple - I don’t know-!

As for me, I love doing exercise and going to the gym, but my real passion is playing Rugby. That sport makes me happy. I live with my parents and my brother but the truth is I just want to live with my grandma because she needs me to take care of her.

It would be great to meet up sometime. Will you ever get the chance to come and visit my country? I could show you around the city.

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Senior year - Writing sample. Thank you Pilar!

Module 1

Dear Simon,

 Hello! It´s nice to hear from you…My name is Pilar but everybody calls me by my nickname “Pilu” because it sounds friendlier. I am seventeen years old and dancing is my passion. Also, I study at a private secondary school and, as you have already said, I would like to practise my English skills to be able to show off in academic exams ha-ha!

 By the way, we have a friend in common! So tell me, how long have you known Andy? He is a funny boy…I really miss him. The last time I saw him was during our trip across the Asian continent, two months ago to be exact.

 Maybe it could be a good idea if both of you travelled to Argentina next summer…What do you think? I’m sure we will spend a great time together and of course, you can stay in my house with me and my whole family. They love English people and their typical traditions because our family roots stem from the Vikings! Were you expecting that? It’s crazy but real ha-ha!

  To summarize, I like being your new virtual friend!

  Hope to see you soon,


Wednesday 15 March 2017

4th year - A.L.- International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development

Special assignment - Second term


ü  The UN and the UNWTO


ü  Tourism and the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals

GROUPS 3 & 4:

ü  The Sustainable Development Goals in detail
